Keep Your Belongings Safe: Essential Crime Prevention Tips

In an effort to combat the rising incidents of vehicle thefts, we are reaching out to the community with a critical appeal: Please lock your vehicles and secure your valuables. The safety of our community is a shared responsibility, and by taking simple preventative measures, we can significantly reduce the occurrence of these crimes.

Protect Your Vehicle and Belongings: How You Can Help

Always Secure Your Vehicle

It may seem basic, but the first line of defense against theft is to always lock your vehicle and ensure the windows are fully rolled up. An unlocked car is an open invitation to thieves.

Hide Valuables from Sight

Never leave anything of value like GPS devices, cell phones, or laptops in plain sight inside your vehicle. These visible items can tempt thieves. If you cannot take them with you, lock them in the trunk where they are out of sight.

Utilize Anti-Theft Devices

If you have an anti-theft device, make sure to use it every time you leave your vehicle. These devices can act as a strong deterrent against theft.

Secure Your License Plates

Ensure that the license plates on your vehicle are properly secured to prevent them from being stolen or swapped.

Park Smart

Whenever possible, park your vehicle in well-lit areas during nighttime. Visibility is a key deterrent to criminal activity.

Reporting Makes a Difference

It is crucial to report all incidents of theft as quickly as possible. If crimes go unreported, the police department won’t be aware of the problem, hindering their ability to take action. Your report can make a significant difference in preventing future incidents.

For non-emergencies, report incidents to the Irvington Police Department at (973) 399-6600. In case of an emergency, dial 911.

Further Assistance

For more information or assistance, please contact the Office of Community Affairs at 973-416-5730. We are here to help and provide any additional information you may need to keep yourself and your belongings safe.


By following these simple yet effective crime prevention tips, we can all contribute to a safer community. Remember, the security of your vehicle and valuables is in your hands, and every action you take can help deter theft. Let’s work together to decrease the incidence of these crimes and maintain the safety and security of our neighborhood.

Township of Irvington - Department of Public Safety

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